Snowboarders and Skiers #UniteForPow

This winter, from November 30th to December 11th, world leaders met in Paris at the UN Climate Change Conference/COP21 to decide the future of a warming planet and how, as a global community, Protect our Winters would address climate change. There, a big question was asked: Will we continue business as usual and ignore this threat, or will we work together to reduce global carbon emissions and preserve this planet for future generations?
From the POW website:
"Those of us who love and depend on snow for our sports and our livelihoods have a lot at stake, a $62 billion industry, supporting over 950,000 winter tourism-related jobs in the US alone. The threat is real and we know what it looks like – warmer, drier winters, multi-year droughts forcing resorts and small businesses to close. This isn’t the future we want for us, our our children."
All of this goes to say: It’s time, more than ever, to unite as a community and voice our support for strong action in Paris and fight for a healthy, clean energy future. All of us in snow sports know what it’s like to rise to a challenge. This is it. Get involved and change the future: take action today.