January 14, 2016
Join us at the 2016 Wild & Scenic Film Festival

This year, we're also thrilled to co-sponsor a film by our friend James Q Martin, The World Beneath the Rims. Q's film takes us on a journey along with three artists – including a photographer, painter and writer – as they derive inspiration from one of the most powerful natural landscapes known to man: The Grand Canyon. In doing so, the film reminds us of the profound importance of protecting places like these so future generations can continue to experience (and be inspired by) them.
The film premieres this weekend at Wild & Scenic on Saturday (Mid-day) at the Nevada Theater, as well as Saturday (Evening) at Osborn-Woods. Here's how to get your hands on some tickets. And be sure to join us for a celebration of The World Beneath the Rims; we'll be hosting a reception for the film alongside American Rivers on Saturday, January 16th, so be sure to #BringYourOwn, and join us for some special events, prizes and more!