Turning Green in 2016

Are you in high school, college, or grad school and looking to decrease your environmental impact and maximize your social responsibility? Are you also interested in winning a trip so San Francisco and $10,000? Look no further than our non-profit partner Turning Green and the upcoming Project Green Challenge 2016.

Beginning on October 1, 2016, Project Green Challenge (PGC) will catalyze hundreds of students by equipping them with the knowledge, resources, and mentorship necessary to make responsible lifestyle changes.

The program consists of 30 daily challenges that encourage students to take a deeper look at their habitual behaviours and just how responsible they are. At the end of the 30 days, participants will have visited various areas in their lives where they can make improvements and contribute to a more healthy, just, and thriving planet.

If you want to participate, sign up today on the Project Green Challenge website.