Thursday Getaway: Mountainfilm Festival 2015

At this point in the week, we suspect you're in the mood to get out and enjoy the world outside of your computer screen, but it's Thursday, and you can't–yet. Don't despair! We've got just the thing to make you smile, daydream or draw inspiration from for your weekend, which is just around the corner.


This weekend marks the 37th Annual Mountainfilm Festival in Telluride, and we'll be there getting a hefty dose of inspiration. If you've yet to experience Mountainfilm, in short: It's a film festival unlike any other. Here's the quick rundown of what it is, from the MF site: "Mountainfilm is dedicated to educating, inspiring and motivating audiences about issues that matter, cultures worth exploring, environments worth preserving, adventures worth pursuing and conversations worth sustaining. 

Started in 1979, Telluride Mountainfilm is one of America’s longest-running film festivals. Through the years, in and out of trends and fads, the festival has always been best described by one unchanging word: inspiring. Far more than any other adjective, that’s how festival audiences describe their experience."

We'll be there all weekend, and we hope to see you too!